Lack of specialized finance and HR skills hampers problem-solving within the organization.
Lack of management experience, understanding, and awareness leads to various personnel and organizational issues in the business unit being managed.
Organizational and personnel management practices premised on Japanese standards hamper Cooperative relationship with the national staff.
Lack of understanding of local business practices and social, political, and market structures hampers effective operation of local business.
In an environment of isolation, managers' thinking tends to be dominated by narrow perspectives with a focus on short-term business operations and problem solving, and managers may act defensively toward others.
A professional mentor is neither a teacher nor a coach, but rather a "thinking partner" who supports problem-solving by:
• Sharing information and experiences; and
• Sharing thought processes (brainstorming ideas and hypotheses)
Our mentors support expatriates assigned to overseas subsidiaries in adapting to local conditions, not by focusing on interpersonal relations, but by exploring intercultural issues in the context of business, the organization, and work.
By using common frameworks for examining business, organizations, and work, our mentors share thought processes that are sharply focused rather than abstract.
By focusing on day-to-day experience rather than academic knowledge or methodologies, our mentors help expatriates assigned to overseas subsidiaries learn from and improve the quality of their experiences so that they can adapt to local conditions.
Focusing on actual issues faced by Japanese expatriates in the realms of organizational/HR management and business localization, e-Mentoring services support expatriates in solving problems and rapidly adapting to local conditions by connecting them with a thinking partner who can offer insights, provide local information, and share examples based on actual experience.
Our team of professional mentors consists of executives who fulfill the requirements set out below. Mentors are matched with clients based on client by each circumstances, bearing in mind the experience, knowledge, information, mentoring style, and personality that each mentor brings to the role.